In the story, Booba’s sail boat takes fire and he ends up deserted on an island with his daughter, and left to develop the skills needed to survive and prosper. As they age their relationship grows richer, through learning the necessary essentials of outdoor survival to having fun fishing and stargazing. At the conclusion of the story, Booba’s 20-year old daughter returns to the island, at the helm of her VanDutch 55, to rediscover the treasure box she buried with her dad years ago.
Booba is a critically-acclaimed rap artist from France. After a brief stint as a break dancer in the early 1990s, Booba partnered with his friend Ali to form Lunatic, and the duo released a critically acclaimed album in 2000. Booba has since embarked on a successful solo career, selling more than 10 million discs over his career and becoming the most legally downloaded artist in French history.
(Wikipedia, visit page)
The VanDutch 55 has become a hit accessory for celebrities and influencers to enjoy the water privately or in their major motion pictures and music videos.